Friday, April 26, 2024

Production Log Week 8


Task Allocation Week 8


Key Personnel

Role/ Job

Possible Person

Strengths and Weaknesses of the person

Voice actor


Easy to work, hardworking and very comprehensive.


Lack motivation

Voice actor


Has a good stern voice that will be good for voice acting.


Is busy quite a lot.

Voice actor


Has done previous acting.


Busy and punctuality.

Voice actor


Is very intelligent.


Can be shy at times.

Voice actor


Can be very outgoing and extroverted.


Doesn’t have much experience because he is very young.

Voice actor


Has a loud voice, is on time everywhere.


Can be quite introverted at times.

Director, voice actor and editor


Works quick, outgoing, punctual.

Doesn’t have prior acting skills.



Launch Date

 Launch Date

My show "Bucket" will be released in the season of autumn. At the start of the school year. This is because it is set at the start of the academic year and at the start of the basketball season. So my official launch date will be Wednesday 11th September. My reasoning for it being in September, is because it is the most relevant time or season for this show to be released as it will be too late for it to be released in the holiday season or too early, as people might forget the full intention of the episode and what it is meant to teach people.



The schedule for my show, "Bucket" will be that they will air on a Wednesday evening. My reasoning to release the episodes weekly on a Wednesday is that it will be the middle of the school week, because in the middle of the school week some students need a little boost if its from their favourite tv show, or their favourite radio drama. My target audience is 13 years of age to 18 years of age or families with kids between those ages. This is my target audience because I believe that teenagers will benefit of this informational and entertaining story and not get into the situation that the player, but also if they did happen to get into a situation like that, then they will also understand that is very helpful to talk to a trusted adult about it.

"Bucket" will air at 18:00 GMT, on a Wednesday. It will air at 18:00 because it gives time for teenagers who are coming back from school or sixth form or college, it gives them time to have dinner and maybe do some homework before they listen to the show, maybe they will listen to it on their break from their homework, but this is my reasoning for airing the show at 18:00 GMT.

In conclusion these will be my airing time and the day of the week my show will be released and all the reasoning is included.

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Running order

 Running Order



The story starts off with a student from school getting ready to play their first basketball game of the season at their new school. There was a lot of pressure on him because he knew he was one of the best players on the team and he knew that he had to play well, because it was his first game. 

His first game did not go well, not at all, he played horribly and everyone expected him to play well because he was considered the best player on the team and he put so much pressure on himself to perform the best he could but everything went wrong. He made a lot of turnovers he took horrible shots and let all his teammates and coaches down. The student went on to have 3 more horrible games each worse than the one before, everyone started hating him, saying he shouldn't be on the team and he was worthless, the only person who believed in him was his coach.

After each of the games that the student had played horribly, every time the next day at school he got bullied told how he was not good enough. He had people walking past him calling him bad at basketball, it was horrible for him because basketball was his personality. He did not enjoy it at all, but if he spoke to someone about it, they will tell him to man up and take it, but it was draining physically, getting pushed in corridor, and draining mentally being put down constantly by everyone in the school.

After a big loss, the player went home straight away because he couldn't handle anything anymore it was too much. He decided to go home and spend some time with his family. But something interrupted his time, his phone kept buzzing, it kept sounding like it was a ton of notifications on his phone, at first he ignored it, but it kept on going. He opened his phone and found out that he had been added to a group chat, named after him, and it had all the people that bullied him and they called him names on there, started even calling him as well. This was very very draining for the player.

After some time, the player fell into depression, and he was very very sad, he thought that maybe he shouldn't play basketball ever again, and he also started getting suicidal thoughts, but before he went further with anything, he called up his coach to tell him that he might stop playing basketball, and him and his coach had a really good conversation and the coach helped the player understand that blocking out the noise from all the other players and students, it is possible it is a skill to be learnt and his coach said he will be by his side all the time and if he ever wanted to talk about something he could.

Monday, April 22, 2024

BBC Radio 4 Programme Analysis "The Lovecraft Investigations"

 Programme Analysis "The Lovecraft Investigations"

This episode of "The Lovecraft Investigations" is about how Robert Blake who was in the previous season of this radio drama. He was attached to an ancient evil entity which was hidden. This episode is about people searching for this item that Blake was searching for. Because he had disappeared. The episode explores how if you know to much there can be consequences.

The target audience of this episode or entire series would be male and female between the ages of 30-50 years, who are predominantly white and live in the UK. I assume this because the characters are British and it is broadcasted on the BBC which is a British broadcasting service.

There are different narrative devices that are used throughout the radio drama. There is a lot of dialogue in this drama a lot narrative speech as well from the one of the main characters at the start of the show. Another narrative device would be the framing of the story, of how the story before about Blake and his journey which then frames and helps create a path for this journey.

"Reality is going to stop them" "Reality doesn't care" "Oh God not the catchphrase" This piece of dialogue shows how the team of people care about what is going on and who could get hurt looking for the ancient object, especially how Blake someone who went looking for the evil object 3 years ago disappeared.

At the very end of the episode (15:42-15:43) there is a sound effect of a punch being thrown at Matthew. The punch was thrown because he was recording the conversation and it could have been used as evidence against the women he was talking to because she had got rid of all his evidence to expose her. In the end the punch probably knocked out Matthew.

At time code 0:18 the narrator Matthew who was take note of everything said how Kennedy and him were going to the coffee shop across the road, which would give them space away from Byron and Eleanor. But it also gives a chance for other people to find them or listen in to their conversations because they are in public. In the back while they are talking you can hear chatter of people, because they are in a coffee shop, but they could also be doing this to not stand out too much and blend in a little.

All of these sounds help merge everything together from the ambient atmospheric sounds of the background to give more visual image to the audience about where the characters may be. Also the sound effects help out a lot, especially with the punch. It was very effective as it brought action into the podcast even though there are no visuals in it. 

There are some techniques that are used in this episode which I would take and put into my own drama such as the ambient and atmospheric sounds which give the audience a better understanding of the circumstances and the background. Another technique I would consider would be the sound effects as they would be really good to give something extra to the audience.

SWOT Analysis of first draft

 SWOT Analysis Strengths The strengths of my first draft is that my radio drama has a relatable theme. The story touches on universal experi...